Caitlin Taguibao


The power to strengthen the identity of communities, increase civic pride and create a strong sense of place.

Open B&W Edition

Artist Colour Edition

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I love being outside and working with my hands, especially when I can be surrounded by plants, birds and nature. After graduating from the illustration program at OCAD U, I was more interested in how growing, making and eating food brought people together, and became involved with local gardening and urban agricultural initiatives. My first mural ended up being painted with friends on a fence surrounding a community garden which eventually led to more opportunities in the city. My work takes inspiration from personal stories, walks with friends and observing the subtleties of nature in urban settings.

Artist Statement
Public art nurtures public space, a place to meet up, hang out and gather. It helps draw attention to our surroundings, to stop and look around and become more aware of the people within our community or the issues that plague our society. It breathes life into a space, reminding us of the colourful world we want to live in while reflecting and rousing a sense of pride in its people.

In the face of corporate advertising and the encroachment of commercial interests, public art stands to take back what is left of our public domain. Whether it be a musician on a street corner, a procession along a ravine or a mural on a wall, it provides opportunities to engage with our surroundings without asking for much in return; though often times, it can also be used as a call for civic action or as a platform to voice opinions on important issues.

Working together to promote better environmental stewardship in the context of our growing cities, artists and collaborators can help pave the way to cleaner cities and a more sustainable future.



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For full program details please go the BE A PILLAR OF CHANGE.


Marcia Diaz Agudelo


Annyen Lam