Kellen Hatanaka


Green space within cities can take many forms: public parks, gardens, nature trails and playgrounds.

Open B&W Edition

Artist Colour Edition

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Kellen Hatanaka is a multidisciplinary artist from Toronto, living and working in Stratford, Ontario. His vibrant, figurative work is centered around heritage, tradition, identity and representation. He has exhibited in Canada and internationally, and has created many public artworks. In 2016, he was awarded the Governor General’s Award along with Jon-Erik Lappano for their book, “Tokyo Digs a Garden.”

Artist Statement
The city is a chaotic place, but it’s also rhythmic and defined by patterns. In this work, the city is represented by two borders, reminiscent of textile or quilts, bringing a sense of order and structure to the chaotic nature of the urban environment. The outermost pattern represents the chattering noise of the city, while the inner border represents its physical and visual congestion. The space in the centre of the piece defined by the borders represents our green spaces, the only respite we have from the city. The edges of the space are intentionally convexed, making it unclear if the green space is forcing the city away, or if the city is closing in. The two forces are in constant tension with each other, advancing and retreating in an ongoing battle for the increasingly scarce space both aim to occupy. The work speaks to the necessity of green spaces in our cities and the need to stay active and vigilant in their protection as the city continues to expand.



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Mango Peeler